Today, 8 Months Later and 32 Kilos Lighter – Gastric Balloon

Thanks to all the members of this wonderful team of specialists who help us achieve such a difficult dream and so many satisfactions.

Today, 8 months later and 32 kilos lighter, I have nothing but gratitude for Dr. Héctor Vargas and his excellent team.

Thank you for helping me feel and look better.

May God bless your work and make as many people happy as I am now. 🥰🥰🥰🥰

*The testimonial provided is a personal experience of the writer. Results may vary from patient to patient.

Paciente Balón Gástrico
Picture of Libia Erika Flores Castaño
Libia Erika Flores Castaño

Gastric Balloon Patient
Grupo de Obesidad